

classesImgLearn the secrets of the Universe. Know how to converse with your own inner wisdom and with those in the spirit realms to help you heal your life and to make the best choices going forward. Discover a more purposeful and joyful life.  All of this is possible and more. I know because I have been living these experiences for many years.

I have hone my natural intuitive and mediumship abilities from lots of life’s ups and downs. I have studied with a wide variety of brilliant teachers, including Donna Eden, Sonia Choquette, Gary Zukav, Laurelle Gaia, Abraham/Hicks, Joe Dispenza, James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, Mavis Pittilla, and Suzanne Giesmann.  In addition, I have received insights and life-enhancing guidance from those in the spirit world. These courses are my unique offerings from the best of what I have learned over the years. I would love to share them with you.

INtuning ® : This five week class provides a transformational experience. You will learn how to utilize your inner guidance system for daily support. In addition, you will be shown how to personally connect with guides and departed loved ones in the spirit world. Learn more... 

INtuning® – 5 Modules







WISE-AT-ANY-AGE : This series of classes helps you develop a deeper satisfaction with your current life and encourages you to join with others to create a community for support and personal empowerment.

I – How to Find Meaning in Your Life

This course allows you to dive deeper into the meaning in your life.  You learn to make wise decisions for yourself according to your values and priorities. You gain insight and clarity while staying focused on what is really important. And you end each day with a deep sense of satisfaction in how you lived and the choices you made. Each participant receives a beautiful hands-on imagery tool which includes 17 full-color photos used for visual journaling. It’s easy, fun and rewarding! Reawaken to a deeper purpose in your life. Say “YES!” to yourself today. You’re Worth It!

 II – Friends in High Places – Support Group 

Feel Nurtured and Supported as You Experience the Power of the Universe Listening to & Fulfilling your Dreams

Experience the deep satisfaction of community. Join with others in a supportive atmosphere that nurtures your soul. Feel the power of like minds sharing your vision. Discover how easy it is to create your perfect job, relationship, or lifestyle. This class guides you in starting your own unique support group. Includes a 22-page instructional booklet.

Classes are open to anyone anywhere because they are offered via Zoom video  conference calls. You receive email handouts for each class, so it is easy to follow along with the discussion. If you are on the live call, you have the opportunity to dialogue with me and the other participants. Some sessions are recorded, so you can listen at a later date to the replays. It’s like being in a classroom in your own living room.

Friends in High Places  –  Support Group

This three week course offers you the experience of being surrounded by friends who support your goals and dreams. You will have the opportunity to participate in the power of the group process via live video conferencing and see how quickly your desires manifest! You will receive an instructional e-book so you can re-create the experience with your family and friends. Learn more…

Email me at or call for more information (831) 484-1400. Make sure that I have your name and email so that I can send you the details.

What’s it like to take one of my classes? Click on Testimonials to see what others are saying.

Personal One-on-One Coaching I offer a unique brand of  mentor coaching for those who want individualized guidance as they navigate their lives toward greater meaning, satisfaction, and success! Check out my Coaching page or contact me at (831) 484-1400. You deserve to thrive! 

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Discovering your inner Genius