All posts by michelle

Insight – Abundance is our Inheritance

Does our ability to prosper depend on people or events outside of ourselves? In most cases people would agree that it does. But believing that others hold our fate in their hands, denies our innate freedom. Our natural response then is to feel trapped. Feeling fear, anger, resentment, or frustration is an indication that we are holding onto thoughts that our inner being knows is not true. It is this false story that we tell ourselves that causes the emotional pain. Does it make sense that brilliant Source energies that have created  the entire Universe and continue to flow through us and all living things, would have only a handful of options to support us? Of course not. The limitations exist only in our own minds.

No one has the ability to withhold our good from us. If a channel of funding goes away, it doesn’t have to affect our prosperity unless we focus our attention on it and use it as an excuse to shut down our creativity and ingenuity. Time after time we read stories of individuals who rise above their seemingly limited circumstances. How do they do that? They believe in themselves. And they know the Universe has their back.

To access our abundance we need to remember we are loved and that the ability to prosper is within us. As we focus our attention more and more on the good that is already flowing to us, a myriad of possibilities opens up in our lives. Abundance flows to us when we allow ourselves to receive such blessings as: inspiration, guidance, and assistance.

Many years ago, I was feeling the pressure of too much money going out and not enough money coming in. It was during the holidays, and we had many gifts to buy for family and friends. At that point I was inspired to practice the mantra, “I am the daughter of a King.” Every time I felt the stress of not enough money, I would repeat to myself, “I am the daughter of a King” until I felt relief. A part of me, my inner being, knows that I am created from spiritual energy more powerful than any financial situation I might find myself in. Tapping into the knowledge that I am spiritually connected to Source energy, shifted my limited mindset. With this lighter perspective, the possibilities for abundance expanded. On Christmas morning, our family received a generous gift that allowed us to pay for all the presents that we gave away that year.

What did I learn from the experience? That abundance is our inheritance. It  doesn’t play favorites. It is for each one of us. Abundance doesn’t flow to those who want it or need it. It flows to those who are open to it. And to be open, we have to believe we are worthy of it. That’s the secret. We need to really feel our worthiness. We are the sons and daughters of a King… And the Universe always has our back.

Insight – Born to be Free

Ever notice how eager a young child is to master new skills? An infant is motivated to learn from a very early age how to turnover, crawl, walk, hold a bottle, drink from a cup. Often a child is intensely focused on developing skills towards independence… not for a monetary reward or to get external approval, but for a personal sense of accomplishment. A well-intended adult trying to assist may be rebuffed by the child who is intent on doing it himself.

The drive toward mastery is a powerful innate force within all of us. The need to learn and develop new behaviors and skills is built into our DNA. Acquiring survival skills is the key to the continuation of the human race. Beyond the physical need to survive; however, there is another even more compelling reason why we strive to excel. We are born to push through our perceived boundaries – to stretch beyond our limitations because we want to know who we are and what we are capable of accomplishing. The thrill of surpassing our previous set point in a particular field of focus is what compels athletes, scientists, artists, and every person on the planet.

Our desire for freedom from self-imposed limitations springs forth from our most elemental self, our spiritual core. Our essential nature is unbounded; so we continually long to experience that same exhilaration and joy in our daily lives. Some people choose physical challenges, some mental challenges, and some learn to transcend the human body to explore the nonphysical realms. All are attempts to align with our Spirit in a way that feels deeply satisfying and fulfilling. The drive toward growth and mastery are the result of undeniable internal forces that move the human race forward toward its own evolution and expansion. And the desire for freedom is at the basis of all of this purposeful activity.

We are born to be free. We can suppress this desire, but we can’t extinguish it. We can deny it, but it will eventually surface as an even stronger need to be expressed and experienced. Freedom is our nature, our biology, our essence. It is who we are and who we will always be. We will forever be challenging ourselves to expand beyond our limitations of mind and body. We must be free to choose and to be more than we were the day before. It is our destiny.

Insight – Micro-soft Words

Micro-soft words … is a description of how our Spirit communicates with us. Our Spirit has a very soft “voice” that whispers in the background of our minds, guiding us to the best perspective or action at any given moment. Its words often go unheard when our minds are racing or engaged in multi-tasking.  But the inner messages are there, like soulful music playing at a low volume throughout the day.  We may be shopping or at a restaurant and suddenly noticed the song on the sound system. Even though the ambient music was playing continuously, it wasn’t until we turned our attention to it that we heard the lyrics.

Learning to be intuitive is simply choosing to listen to our Spirit’s ever present communications that offer love and support. The more we tune our attention to the subtle messages, the clearer they become. “Turn here”; “Don’t go there”; “Take a chance”; “You are loved.”  Sometimes the message is obvious and gives us confidence in moving forward with an action plan. Other times the words are surprising, like when we are being guided to move in a new direction.  But the more we listen, the more we understand the language that our Spirit uses to nudge us forward or to encourage us to take a break.

Quieting our minds through relaxation or meditation helps us hear the inner dialogue.  When I want to tune into my intuition, I find a quiet place where I will not be interrupted. Then I sit upright in a comfortable chair and close my eyes. Next, I take a few deep breaths and allow my thoughts to slow down. Letting go of all worries in the moment provides an opportunity for the gentle words of my Spirit to come into my awareness. I can ask a question or just wait to see if a message comes through. There is no need for me to rush the process or to work toward some specific outcome.

Relaxing my mind is a way of letting my Spirit know that I am ready to listen. It opens the channel for a dialogue to begin. Some days my “hearing” is better than others, but I show up ready and willing to keep the conversation alive. Like sending a text to my best friend, I hope that the network connection is strong enough for me to receive a response. When I focus my awareness on our enduring relationship, I know that it is.

Insight- A Receptive Mindset

What does it mean to be in a receptive mindset? It means that we are willing to put aside our ego-influenced thoughts in exchange for a softer, more allowing attitude. Willing to be open-minded and accepting of input from other sources. Willing to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and we could benefit from additional information or insights. Willing to change our perceptions to see things differently than we have habitually been seeing them. Willing to allow others to assist or support us in meaningful ways.

Being open to receive, as a receptive mindset implies, does not mean that we give up our right to decide what is best for us. It does not mean that we have lost our freedom to think things through or to have the final say in how we move forward. It simply means that we are willing to be open to new possibilities.

It shifts us into allowing intuitive information to flow to us from a broader perspective… one that has a vision of our lives that is more expansive and engaging than we are currently experiencing. A vision that is in alignment with our inner wisdom and our purpose for being here. A vision that encourages us to be what we are inspired to be at our core.

Being open to receive is a place of power as it fills us with the knowledge that we are connected to an invisible support system that loves and nurtures us. As we let go of our need to control the events of our lives, we allow ourselves to receive guidance and assistance from physical and nonphysical beings alike. From there, we are able to make better choices in the moment and to experience the prosperous lives that are waiting for us.

In my experience, being open to receive is where the magic happens. When my attitude is expectant and receptive, my life opens up to amazing synchronicities… friends show up, beneficial opportunities appear, creative ideas flow, and unexpected resources surprise and delight me. I am able to easily connect with exactly what I am looking for – whether it is solutions to problems, insights for blogs or products, people to support me, or just fun places to visit. I have learned that I don’t need to know it all, I just need to connect with the stream of knowledge and well-being that does, and everything that I want shows up. Starting each day with the intention to be in a receptive mindset is my secret, and now it can be yours.

Insight – The World is Our Mirror

Mirrors don’t lie. They don’t judge. They don’t have opinions. They simply reflect the image that is in front of them. No right or wrong about that… just the way it is.

Life is like that, too. What we see in the world around us is a reflection of what we are thinking – our beliefs, perspectives, expectations. Nothing can show up that is not within our current understanding of the world. The “real” world is literally a figment of our mindset. Years ago, nobody believed that humans could run a 4-minute mile… until one athlete believed he could and he did. Now we all know it is possible and runners prove it at track meets around the world every year.

As individuals, we are influenced by our myriad of beliefs about people, places, and events in our lives. These beliefs create our unique viewpoints which in turn influence our experiences in life. The world that each of us sees is a mirror image of what we believe is possible and probable at our deepest level of understanding. That means that there is no objective reality. Not one real world that everyone sees and agrees on. No real material world that exists as the absolute truth. That’s why it gets so confusing at times. ” He said/ she said” can be true for both of them because each person is reporting from their own unique perspective.

This realization is mind-blowing and scary, because it shakes the foundation of what we have previously been taught by those who came before us. Our predecessors presented the story of life as they understood it, but now quantum physicists have expanded our perspective with a new vision. People once believed the world was flat until they learned differently. We are on the cusp of a new understanding about the world. With the knowledge that we create our own reality, we have the power to change our lives. The possibilities for health, wealth, satisfying work, and meaningful relationships are endless. The only limitation is our imaginations. We are leading-edge pioneers and our minds are the new frontier.