All posts by michelle
Insight – Worthiness
You are capable of receiving more, when you decide that you are worthy of more. It is a decision. Worthiness is not bestowed upon you by an outside authority. Worthiness is your innate nature. You are born worthy. You merely need to awaken to that knowing, and then decide that you will allow the belief to grow within you.
It is a process of learning to resonate with the worthiness that you naturally are. There need be no drama, no tears, no big releases of old energy. It is simply a choice that you make to feel your innate worth. Then allow it to resonate within, as your truth.
Know that you are worthy of all that you ask for, and more.
End of Life
Insight – Compassion
Compassion is the deep understanding that we are all in this together. We are of the same Creative Source. And we are each learning at our own pace.
Choice is the vehicle for learning, and consequences are what ultimately bring wisdom. To judge one for choices that are made from a place of confusion or ignorance, is to judge yourself for the many times you have stood in those shoes, as well. If you are to love one another, you must extend compassion, for all of life on Earth is an experience of learning. If you judge others for their so-called mistakes, you must judge yourself in the same way.
Compassion is an expression of self love. As you extend a helping hand to someone who has stumbled, you are also forgiving yourself when you have done the same. Compassion does not flow from a mindset of someone who has all the answers, to another who is worthy of your pity, so to speak. True compassion is an understanding that you are all holding hands as you walk the Earth together. It is a most natural perspective as your soul perceives what is going on here.
Everything is love. That is all there is. Many do not see that or recognized that, but it does not change the truth of the Divine design. All that is called the Universe, flows from one source, one love, one creative essence, one true compassionate heart.
The Journey
Insight – Two Voices
It’s no wonder there is so much confusion in the world. As humans, we have two voices talking in our head at the same time. One is focused on the material world and the other has a broader perspective beyond our physical reality.
Each of us has an ego mindset which is the control center for our physical needs. The ego’s voice tells us to eat, sleep, find warmth, pay bills, socialize, and even encourages us to please others. This part of our mind is heavily influenced by our brain functioning, hormones, and memories of past experiences. It learns how to keep us safe by analyzing previous events and their outcomes, and then warns us when it perceives that we are in danger. We may not actually be in danger, but if it thinks we are, it will send out fear signals.
The ego’s words elicit anxiety, anger, frustration and any number of other uncomfortable feelings, as well as, pleasure sensations. It tries to get our attention in order to get its needs met. The ego’s voice is loud and persistent because it believes that it is responsible for our survival. If we die, it dies. Many of us identify with our ego and do not recognize that it is not who we really are.
The other voice comes from our inner being or spirit. Its wisdom originates from a place beyond time and space. We often refer to this voice as our intuition. Its messages are subtle, yet profound. Our inner being sees possibilities that our ego cannot perceive. The ego focuses on the past and brings it into our present moment. Our spirit is in the present moment and encourages us to see a positive future.
Our spirit is the foundation of our true self and its gentle whisper is a reminder that we are not our ego. Our inner self has knowledge of why we came here and what we intended to do. It talks to us about kindness toward ourselves and others, and nudges us to see a bigger picture of the events that are unfolding in our lives. It sees every day as an adventure. Our spirit knows that life is eternal, so its main focus is on love, not survival.
These two internal voices have been with us since childhood. One speaks to us of conflict, competition for resources, and struggle. The other calls us to be loving, cooperative, and optimistic. Our well-being does not depend on shutting down or denying our ego’s needs. We can appreciate that our ego has a purpose in reminding us to care for our physical bodies. But we can choose which voice has the final say. The one we choose determines how we live our life and makes all the difference in the quality of our experiences here. Holding an intention to focus on the loving messages that come from our spirit will assure a more balanced life. Listening to our quiet inner voice is the only way for us to access prosperity, deep wisdom, and lasting peace.
What Would You Say?
Insight – Choosing Our Beliefs
Let’s demystify the conversation about beliefs. A belief is simply a thought that has gathered momentum as a result of allowing it to percolate within our minds. The more we think about something, the more likely it is we will begin to believe it. Why? Because as we give our attention to a thought, it creates an energy that takes on a life of its own. The thought that we are habitually holding onto starts to shift our perspective, so that what we are thinking influences what we are seeing. Our shift in perception causes us to begin to notice evidence of our new belief in the world around us. This creates a cycle of belief/evidence/belief/evidence. We may point to something that seems to prove our belief and say “There it is again!”. Yet we often forget that the cycle started with our original thought. It doesn’t matter whether that thought was accurate or not. It still becomes internalizes as a belief if we have held onto it long enough. Others with contradicting perspectives will find evidence of their beliefs, as well.
It is the same for all kinds of beliefs – those that we want and those that we don’t want. Focusing on disturbing thoughts or images will produce emotions that feel bad. If we allow ourselves to turn our attention to undesired aspects of our lives, then we are more likely to bring those unwanted things into our experience. Sometimes we try to get to a better feeling place by analyzing the unwanted thoughts, dissecting every aspect of our problematic beliefs. But we really can’t get to where we want to go from there. It is much like quicksand… the more we struggle, the more we sink. In my experience, nothing in the world gets better by focusing on what we don’t want to happen.
Many of us are often so stress that we barely notice when our inner beings are guiding us away from our faulty perceptions. But by tuning in, we can choose to release thoughts or images that hurt when we think about them. Sending love to troublesome beliefs, invites new perspectives. The situations and events that challenge us can morph into experiences that feel better. When we shift our perceptions, we change how we show up in the world, and situations often improve. Our reality transforms in response to our new beliefs. But it takes our strong intention to focus on good feeling thoughts and a commitment to do the work, that makes that happen.
The process of changing a belief is straightforward. We hold a thought in our mind and then check into our internal guidance , our emotions, to see if we have a resonance with that thought. If it feels good, then we can choose to continue to focus on that image, impression, or perspective. By holding onto a good feeling thought, we begin to build an energetic momentum. It only takes a minute or two. When a particular thought feels disturbing, we can use our imagination to search for something better, like giving someone the benefit of the doubt or forgiving ourselves or others. When we are ready to move on to another thought, the process is the same. We check each belief out with our internal guidance to see if it feels good. That is the easiest way to change our beliefs, and subsequently, change our life experiences.
As with any skill that we want to master, it’s necessary put in the effort to shift our focused attention and to develop the “muscles” of our mind. It requires a thought-by-thought practice, but it can reap big results over time. We have much more power than we realize. We can choose our thoughts and perceptions. We can shift our beliefs and transform our lives. We have the power to be who we want to be in the world. And we can be the change that we want to see in the world.
Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful
Insight – You Inspire Me
When someone says, “You inspire me,” the statement is an affirmation of how we have handled ourselves in the midst of the struggles and triumphs of our lives. To inspire someone is to uplift them…to facilitate a shift to a brighter or broader perspective. That shift happens because something in us reminds them of their own inner nature. We are the impetus for that person to connect with their own powerful spirit. Such inspiration is a gift that costs us nothing to give, yet is of immeasurable value to others.
Living true to our purpose, often inspire others to do the same. When we allow creativity to flow through us, we remind those around us that they are creative beings, as well, with ideas and ways of seeing the world that are unique to them. We become the catalyst for them to tune into their inner gifts, their unexpressed wisdom, and their untapped resources. We encourage them to live “in-spirit” with the abundance of their own inner essence. So the only authentic way of inspiring someone is to simply model being in spirit ourselves. Living in alignment with our spiritual nature is the goal. Inspiring others is the effect. When we focus on living true to ourselves, the rest takes care of itself.