INtuning® is the natural ability to access information from The Field. The information may come through your physical senses but the source is nonphysical in nature.
In this 5-week interactive online course you will have the opportunity to participate in the power of the group process via Zoom video conferencing. If you have a laptop, smart phone, mobile tablet or a computer with microphone you have everything you need to join in the class. If you are on the live calls, you have the opportunity to dialogue with me and the other participants. You receive detailed handouts each week which give you all the information you need to easily re-create your INtuning® experience.
Five consecutive Wednesdays. You can join in from any time zone! Replays are available. Just $179. Class size is limited.
5 Modules –
#1 – UNDERSTANDING THE QUANTUM UNIVERSE – Join me in unraveling the mysteries of mind and body. You will gain a greater understanding of the design of life. This module combines the latest research in Quantum physics, spirituality, psychology, and brain science combined with leading edge information about our energetic Universe
#2 – INTUNING® TO YOUR INTUITION – This module takes you on a journey of discovery to your inner guidance system and the place of true power. Discover what intuition is, where it comes from, and how to use it as a guidance system for an incredibly joyful experience. Each one of us is created with a lifeline to a greater wisdom and broader perspective. Learn to tap into this resource of knowledge. Fine tune your perception. Navigate your life with ease. The insights and practical tools that you receive, show you how to be the loving, intuitive, prosperous, creative, and expansive being that you came to be!
#3 – INTUNING® TO THE SPIRIT REALMS – Take your skills to the next level. Learn how to feel the presence of loved ones and guides. Open up a two-way conversation with them. They are eager to connect and to let you know that their love is with you always. Experience the possibilities for releasing grief, healing relationships, and learning more about the afterlife. In addition, learn to receive personal guidance and insights from your spirit guides. It’s all possible!
#4 – ACCESSING YOUR POWER – Learn the G.L.O.W.S process to jumpstart your connection with spirit guides and loved ones in the spirit world. Gain confidence through this powerful meditative technique. Life can be magical when you learn how to INtune to all the love and guidance that is waiting for you.
#5 – PRACTICE AND Q & A – Benefit from the group energy as you practice your connection with the spirit realm. Gain insights as members share their experiences. You will have the opportunity to receive answers to your questions in the final Q & A session.