Follow Your Bliss

Joseph Campbell’s famous words “Follow Your Bliss” have been an inspiration to me from the first time I heard them many years ago.

 So what’s my bliss?
Spending time with like-minded, leading-edge explorers who want to stretch beyond the current cultural paradigm.
Teaching self-empowerment to open-minded, heart-centered individuals who are eager to follow their inner guidance.
Challenging those I work with to live from the truth of who they are and to do the same for myself.
Feeling the energy of Source as it powerfully flows through me to the outer world, which I sense as a deep connection with Nature and other spiritual beings who are having a human experience. 

It’s all about being in the flow of loving, nurturing, dynamic and creative energy. It just doesn’t get any better than that for me!

New Year’s Resolutions

What is it about traditional New Year’s resolutions that make me cringe? I’ve always had a resistance to creating resolutions, i.e. setting goals, committing to new routines, forcing change. The first thought that comes to mind is that I’m lazy. Or that I have no will power. Another thought is that I hate to be confined by rules – mine or anyone else’s.  But maybe it’s something else. Maybe, when I think about traditional resolutions, it feels bad because the underlying message is that something is wrong with me. I have missed the mark or I am intrinsically flawed. Only with a strict regime of some kind can I hope to be fixed. It’s a sort of “beating myself up” that is culturally accepted…even encouraged. If I don’t commit to some socially imperative goal, then I’m not in the game and life will pass me by.

But if I look at it another way, I discover something new. I know from experience that my emotions are the way my inner being (spirit) communicates with me. My spirit adores every ounce of who I am and would never see me lacking in any way. When I feel negative emotion, I am thinking a thought about myself that my spirit does not agree with. So it makes sense that when I consider New Year’s resolutions that hint at self disapproval, my emotions flare letting me know that I am off center. That twisted feeling in my stomach is telling me that my current self-incriminating perspective is not the truth. My only hope of returning to a lighter, more peaceful state is to change my mind about who I think I am. I can’t continue to focus on my perceived limitations and expect to find inner peace. My spirit knows I am a brilliant creative being on a journey of self-discovery and there are no wrong roads. Every thought and action serves to move me forward on this evolutionary path. The journey is about love –  and loving myself is where the journey begins.

So how do I start the New Year on a positive note? This year I’m going to be gentler with myself. I am going to focus on a way of being that cooperates with my spirit’s intentions – that allows life to surprise and delight me.

This year I resolve to live my passion. I don’t know what that means – what challenges or opportunities will show up for me.  But I am open to explore a more vibrant and heart-centered daily experience. I want to feel the energy of Source pulsing through me. I want to see the world through my spirit’s eyes. And I want to offer to the world what is mine to give. This moment is filled with infinite possibilities for me. I feel it calling. I’m excited about what’s ahead. This is a great time to be here. Game on!